 Trailnet staff member Rhonda Smythe nominated for Advocate of the Year


Trailnet staff member Rhonda Smythe nominated for Advocate of the Year


The Alliance for Biking & Walking holds annual Advocacy Awards to recognize excellence in the bicycle and pedestrian movement. 10 leaders in bicycling and walking organization across the country are recognized for their commitment to promoting alternative transportation on the local and state level. Trailnet's Rhonda Smythe is one of these 10 leaders.

Rhonda Smythe
Rhonda's Biography
Rhonda Smythe, MPH, MS, RD joined Trailnet in May 2011. Her professional background includes experience in policy and programming, with special emphasis on active transportation and Farm to School issues. She serves on the following committees: Missouri Livable Streets Advisory Board, Missouri Council for Activity and Nutrition, Missouri Bike Federation Legislative Committee, Gateway Greening Advisory Board, St. Louis Open Streets Steering Committee, and Mayor Slay’s Vanguard Cabinet. Rhonda manages the Social Innovation for Missouri grant, and bicycle and pedestrian policy and advocacy at the federal, state, and local level.