 Re-cap of June 5 Bike Smart class at the Salvation Army on Arsenal


Re-cap of June 5 Bike Smart class at the Salvation Army on Arsenal

Three enthusiastic cyclists participated in Trailnet’s Bike Smart class at the Salvation Army on June 5. The class was led by two League of American Bicyclists certified instructors. Topics covered included helmet and bike fitting, basic bike maintenance, and Missouri traffic law that applies to cyclists. Drills that covered effective starting, braking, shifting, and bike handling were followed by a ride to nearby Benton Park.

If you want to feel more confident riding on the road, learn more about how your bike works, and use your bike more and your car less, join us for one of our classes at the Salvation Army, 2740 Arsenal. They are FREE and open to all – every Thursday in June from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon. Go to https://trailnet.org/calendar/trailnet-bike-smart-class-3-2014-06-12/ for more information and to sign up.

This series of Bike Smart classes is funded, in part, by the Great Rivers Greenway District.
