Plan4Health Traffic Calming Library Update
Trailnet has been working to compile a database of our projects related to traffic calming. The collection of projects make up what we are calling our Traffic Calming Library. These projects aim to slow traffic, increase pedestrian and bike activity, and decrease accidents in the area. While the library has been coming together quite well, we are continually brainstorming creative ways to create more traffic calming demonstrations.
Additionally, in aiming for sustainability, Trailnet pursues traffic calming demonstrations that can be installed with reusable materials. One method involves using old tires to create narrow areas of the street—referred to as chicanes—in order to slow traffic.
To actively engage residents and enhance the appearance of these installments, participants spent a day spray-painting tires a variety of colors. It was even more fun rolling them out to the streets on which they once carried vehicles–then repurposed to make for safer, slower roads.
The photos below provide glimpse of how things went at the Jefferson Collaborative for the South City Health Festival in Fox Park on a sunny, warm August Saturday.

We demonstrated a number of different traffic calming methods during the Fox Park event. These included a temporary crosswalk and curbside bump-outs.
The Plan4Health grant has further helped spur new projects for Trailnet to promote pop-up traffic calming demonstrations. This purple crosswalk is one of the many changes we envision and hope to occur from our pop-up traffic calming demonstrations.
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