 The Time for Vision Zero STL has Arrived


The Time for Vision Zero STL has Arrived

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A movement to end traffic deaths and disabling injuries known as Vision Zero, which began as an Act of Parliament in Sweden in 1997, is gaining traction in the U.S. where traffic fatalities are twice that of EU countries and almost twice that of Canada.

Vision Zero is a philosophy, a policy, and a paradigm shift. It holds that “all traffic deaths and serious injuries are unacceptable and preventable.”

The U.S. Conference of Mayors endorsed Vision Zero this year, and ten cities including New York, San Antonio, Los Angeles and Seattle are developing or implementing Vision Zero plans.

Vision Zero cities have taken these steps:

  1. The Mayor has publicly, officially committed to Vision Zero.
  2. A clear goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries has been set.
  3. A Vision Zero plan or strategy is in place, or the Mayor has committed to doingso in clear time frame.
  4. Key city departments (including police, transportation and public health)are engaged.

Vision Zero is a Trailnet priority because the St. Louis region is now at a five‐year high for traffic deaths. It’s time to systematically address and ultimately end the crash carnage. Trailnet urges Mayor Slay to publicly announce a commitment to Vision Zero and embark on the other three steps necessary to make St. Louis a recognized Vision Zero city. We will be an engaged partner in this bold journey.