 2020 Transportation Survey Results


2020 Transportation Survey Results

Click the infographic to expand

During February, Trailnet launched a general transportation survey to gain information on transportation trends and preferences of residents in the St. Louis region. We asked questions about walking and biking infrastructure, policy preferences, personal trends in active living, and other topics.

We want to thank everyone who took the survey in February and gave Trailnet feedback on how we can improve to achieve our mission to make healthy, active, and vibrant communities where walking, biking, and using public transit are a way of life. We are already making tremendous strides this year to improve walking and biking infrastructure and policy with our projects like the Tower Grove Connector, Tucker Blvd planning project, and St. Louis County Action Plan for Walking and Biking.

We’ve compiled some statistics from the survey which can be seen in the infographic to the right. We’ve also compiled some additional statistics, which you can read below.

Transportation Usage and Preference Data
  • 92% of respondents drive a car “daily” or “a few time a week”
  • 50% of respondents bike for fun/fitness “a few times a week”
  • 8% of respondents bike to get to work “daily”
  • 65% of respondents said they would like to walk for fun/fitness more in the next ten years
  • 42% of respondents said they want to more about types of walking and biking infrastructure and the pros/cons of each
Policy Preferences

We asked people about the prioritization of five different transportation policies. Here’s how they ranked (1 being most important, 5 being least important).

  1. Distracted Driving Legislation
  2. 3-foot passing law for people on bikes
  3. Statewide “Stop for Pedestrian” ordinance
  4. Work Zone Mobility Ordinance
  5. Automated Enforcement on red light and speeding violations
Infrastructure Questions

We asked what the minimum level of biking infrastructure people would need to feel safe on a collector road (Geyer or Compton Ave, 25 – 35 mph), 28% of respondents (the highest percentage) preferred an on-street conventional bike lane

When asked about how you would spend $10 million in bike facility improvements in the St. Louis region, here was the breakdown:

  • 47% – 10 miles of protected bike lanes
  • 35% – 75 miles of conventional (un-protected) bike lanes
  • 11% – 400 miles of signalized bike routes (way finding signs and sharrows)
  • 7% – 1.25 of greenways/multi-use paths