 Key transportation reforms in national INVEST act


Key transportation reforms in national INVEST act

Proposed legislation in Congress has the potential to transform transportation funding and improve communities’ ability to prioritize walking, biking and public transit. Trailnet joined with Transportation for America and The League of American Bicyclists to support these vital reforms in the INVEST ACT.

We will keep you up to date on ways to help and how to add your voice as this bill advances.

Our letter of support to the leaders of the U.S. House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee details why this legislation is so important:

Trailnet is writing to express our support for the INVEST Act introduced to the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure last week. We believe this bill includes many key updates to our country’s outdated transportation policy, and takes many big steps towards aligning our federal funding with the outcomes Americans value. We are proud to support this bill and thank you for your work developing it, and urge you to keep advancing these reforms as the legislation proceeds. This bill is a vital improvement because of targeted changes to improve biking and walking as well as the systematic changes throughout, including:

Transportation Alternatives Program – Increases funds for this program (TAP) impacting the communities we serve. This program provides the bulk of the funding for walking and biking projects in our community and state. We hear from both urban and rural communities that there are not enough funds in this program to fill current needs. This legislation creates more local control and flexibility for local governments to fund these projects while still safeguarding them for appropriate bike, walk and transit projects.

Inclusive public process – Prioritizes equity and environmental justice for all grant programs.

Safety – Requires all states to do a vulnerable user assessment. For states with above average vulnerable road user fatalities and serious injuries, states will be required to spend on bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Complete Streets – Requires US DOT to write model complete streets policies and procedures to be used when building roads with federal dollars, this will help to ensure that when federal dollars are spent, the needs of all users are addressed – not just the individuals within a community that own a car.

Connection to jobs and services – Creates new ways of measuring and ensuring our system connects people to their destinations- especially non-car owning families and residents.

Climate – Includes new programs for states and communities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. States who don’t reduce GHG emissions from transportation will be penalized by requiring them to spend additional funds to reduce GHG.

Trailnet is the St. Louis Region’s nonprofit walking, biking and public transit advocacy organization. We believe everyone should have access to safe low-stress walking and biking connections where we live, work, and play in our communities. For more than thirty years, Trailnet has been working within the St. Louis region and across the state to respond to the demand for improved walking and biking networks that attract and retain talent, strengthen our economy, and connect people to the places they love.