Prop 1, April 5: Voters to weigh in on sidewalks, bike lanes and street repairs

A $50 million bond question including funding for sidewalk improvements, bike infrastructure and street repairs is will be on City of St. Louis voters’ ballots on Tuesday, April 5 vote.
The bond question, Proposition 1, would help pay for the backlog of infrastructure repairs and improvements that aren’t covered by federal assistance funds.
Read the sample ballot language here.
“This bond question is an important step to invest in safe, sustainable infrastructure. We need to see more funding focused on closing sidewalk gaps, improving accessibility for people with disabilities and supporting safer biking,” Kevin Hahn-Petruso Trailnet’s policy manager said.
Alderwoman Marlene Davis introduced proposal and it was passed without opposition by the Board of Aldermen and approved by Mayor Tishaura Jones in January 2022.
The debt from the bonds will be paid off using existing property tax streams and not result in a property tax increase.
In addition to street repair and biking and walking upgrades, the bonds would also help pay for a new emergency dispatch center and improving conditions at correctional facilities. Money from the bonds could also be used as matching funds for federal programs – including the transportation programs that help fund the city’s planned cycle tracks – and for repairs of city buildings.
Two-thirds of people voting in the election would need to support the bond issue for it to pass.