Improving Infrastructure and Policy
In the spring of 2020, Trailnet worked with three St. Louis communities to improve walking and biking infrastructure and policies. We partnered with the Jeff-Vander-Lou and Ville/Greater Ville neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis and the City of Clayton to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety through improved infrastructure and policy.
Trailnet has been working with residents and community partners to plan and improve upon existing conditions within each community/neighborhood.
Read more about how Trailnet is helping improve everyday connections.
Neighborhood-level improvements
in 2020, Trailnet built on years of work with three St. Louis communities to improve walking and biking infrastructure and policies. Trailnet partnered with the Jeff-Vander-Lou and Ville/Greater Ville neighborhoods in the City of St. Louis and the City of Clayton to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety through improved infrastructure and policy.
Read more about how Trailnet is helping improve everyday connections.