University City Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
University city has a rich history that is reflected in its current assets and amenities; its location as an innerring suburb and its interconnected street grid presents unique opportunities for enhancing walking and biking for transportation, recreation and fitnss. In an effort to move University City towards being one of the most sustainable cities in the St. Louis Metropolitan region, the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan builds upon University City’s outstanding historic character and seeks to provides viable transportation options for all residents.
The Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan is a partnership between The City of University City and Trailnet. It is funded through a grant from the Missouri Department of Transportation and supports the goals of the Mayor’s Task Force on Bike and Walk-ability by providing recommendations and design options to promote equity in mobility for all University City residents, regardless of their age, income, or ability. The planning process took place over the course of 14 months and included regular meetings with the Mayor’s Task Force on Bike and Walk-ability, Steering Committee, Stakeholder Interviews, two Public Workshops, and special workshops with City staff, Commissioners, and elected officials.
The Full Plan: Click on the Images below. The plan is divided into two parts.