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Complete Streets Passes in St. Louis County

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Complete Streets passed in St. Louis County last night, setting the vision to create connected streets that allow all people, regardless of age or ability, to travel safely to their destination.

The bill allows the County Departments of Planning, Parks and Recreation, and Health to have input into the transportation system that connects children to schools, people to parks, and neighborhoods to services. It also allows municipal leaders and stakeholder groups to participate in setting goals and priorities for the region.

To see a copy of the Complete Streets bill that was passed in St. Louis County on Tuesday, January 21, click here.

Trailnet staff put in countless hours (and a lot of blood, sweat and tears) to get this policy passed. This work is supported solely by member donations. Please donate now to help us continue this work to create a more walkable, bikeable, transit-friendly St. Louis region.

Councilman Dolan was tireless in his pursuit of a bill that would work for all the stakeholder organizations, and deserves our thanks. Councilman Stenger co-sponsored the bill early on, putting his support behind Complete Streets. The final vote was six in favor and none against, with one Council member abstaining.

Please sign the thank you letter to St. Louis County Council members!

Thank you, as always, for your support. We can’t wait to see you out on the streets and trails in our great communities.

Ann Rivers Mack
Chief Executive Officer

Streets for Everyone Brochure

St. Louis is ready for low-stress bicycle and pedestrian connections. Low-stress connections, as seen below, provide safe, comfortable, and convenient walking and biking routes to popular destinations. Many cities in the U.S. are using low-stress connections because they spur economic development and attract high numbers of bicyclists and pedestrians. It’s time for St. Louis to build low-stress connections and enjoy all of the benefits.

If you would like a print copy of the brochure  featured below, stop by Trailnet’s office or look for one at our events.







South County Connector Update


What next?

Trailnet is waiting to hear St. Louis County’s response to all of the comments submitted about the DEIS. Once we hear their response, we will determine our next course of action.

Below are the remaining steps of the process according to NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) law, which will be followed if St. Louis County decides against withdrawing the DEIS.

Though the public comment period for the DEIS document is over, if you did not send a letter, feel free to call County Executive Dooley’s office to express your concerns. He can be reached at 314.615.7016.


2014 Bike Expo and Swap stats

We had about 1800 guests this year checking out the booths and gear of 95 vendors from 9 states. Fox 2 Now and KSDK were both on-site, covering the event. We awarded 24 attendance prizes including a $100 gift certificate from Bike Surgeon.

New this year were fashion shows, clinics, a Kids Corner and bounce house, a climbing wall, and shuttles to and from the closest MetroLink stop. All of these new additions were great successes. We rented the entire Gateway Center – 40,000 square feet – for the first time and are already planning on how to maximize the entire space again for the 2015 Bike Expo and Swap, next January 25.

South County Connector Articles and Editorials

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Stltoday/ The South County Connector: Can we get a better return on investment?/November 12, 2013

Stltoday/ South County Connector not worth the small benefit/July 24, 2013

Stltoday/Editorial: Disconnect the South County Connector/July 23, 2013

Stltoday/Put connector in a different place/July 20, 2013

Stltoday/St. Louis County needs to rethink South County Connector project/July 20, 2013

STL Beacon/South County Connector project sparks diverse outcry/July 18, 2013

Maplewood-Brentwood Patch/South County Connector: 5 Ways to Share Your Concerns or Support/July 18, 2013

Affton Patch/Affton’s AICA is Against the South County Connector, Tells Highways and Traffic Director in Letter/July 18, 2013

Stltoday/Opposition builds to South County Connector proposal/July 17, 2013

St. Louis Public Radio/With Comment Deadline Looming, Protests Continue Over South County Connector/July 16, 2013

Maplewood-Brentwood Patch/40 Meet at Deer Creek Center, Hear Why South County Connector is Bad Idea/July 16, 2013

CBS Local/Leaders From Maplewood, Trailnet Make One Last Plea Opposing Connector/July 16, 2013

CBS Local/Trailnet Issues With South County Connector/July 16, 2013

Fox 2 Now/You Paid For It: South County Connector/July 15, 2013

Webster Kirkwood Times/Mayor Outlines Pros/Cons Of Connector/July 12, 2013

CBS Local/City Residents, Aldermen Gather To Criticize South County Connect/July 9, 2013

CBS Local/Aldermen Hold Hearing on South County Connector Tonight/July 8, 2013

Fox 2 now/South County Connector Plan Dividing Opinions About Project/July 8, 2013

KPLR11.com/South County Connector Plan Dividing Opinions About Project/July 8, 2013

DC Streetsblog.com/Highway Revolts Break Out Across the Midwest/June 28, 2013

South County Times/Shrewsbury Mayor Raises Questions On Connector Plan/June 28, 2013

CBS Local/Communities Concerned, Criticize Proposed South County Connector/June 18, 2013

kmov.com/’South County connector’ causing friction between Maplewood and St. Louis County/June 12, 2013

Stltoday/Proposed South County Thoroughfare No Relief to Some/June 2, 2013

Maplewood-Brentwood Patch/Maplewood: South County Connector Would Kill Deer Creek Center/May 31, 2013

Maplewood-Brentwood Patch/4 Views of the South County Connector/May 31, 2013

Webster Kirkwood Times/South County Connector Public Meeting May 30 in Shrewsbury/May 24, 2013

South County Times/Trailnet Shares Concerns About Connector Roadway/May 17, 2013

Stltoday/Residents Question Need for South County Connector/May 12, 2013

Affton Patch/Shrewsbury Mayor on South County Connector: Doesn’t Want a Big Slab of Cement/May 10, 2013

Maplewood-Brentwood Patch/South County Connector Would Run Through Deer Creek Lot/May 9, 2013

CBS Local/Residents Question Wisdom of Proposed South County Connector/May 9, 2013

kmov.com/County refines plans for South County Connector/May 7, 2013

Missourians Support Complete Streets


Ferguson, Clayton, and St. Louis City all have Complete Streets policies in place, and are working to improve accessibility as opportunities present themselves – without additional funding.

St. Louis County’s 2013 Strategic Plan calls for a Complete Streets ordinance to be adopted as one part of a multi-prong approach to enhance mobility and connectivity.

In 2010, MoDOT public opinion polling found that 53% of Missourians agree with the statement, “Up to 25% of each project’s funds should be spent to add bicycle/pedestrian facilities at the expense of other projects. The newly released 2013 survey from the National Association of Realtors shows support of the general public as well:

  • A neighborhood with a mix of houses, stores and businesses that are easy to walk to is preferred over a neighborhood with houses only that requires driving to stores and businesses (60 percent to 35 percent).
  • There is a wider divide among those who have moved in the last three years or are planning to move in the next three years. Recent movers prefer the walkable community by 20 points (58 to 38 percent), almost identical to the walkable community preference expressed by those who plan to move in the next three years (+18 points, 57 to 39 percent).
  • Privacy from neighbors remains at the top (86 percent important), along with sidewalks and places to take walks (80 percent important) and high quality public schools (74 percent important).
  • There is also a need for more safe routes for riding bikes to work and shopping. Almost half (48 percent) say there is too little safe bike routes, compared to 41 percent who say there is the right amount.

We will keep you informed on the progress of this important legislation. Thank you for your interest and support in making St. Louis a better place to live, work, and play.

Bike to Work Day 2013

For the past several years, Mayor Francis Slay has presented Trailnet with an official proclamation on Bike to Work Day. Here he is with Ann Mack, Trailnet CEO, making his presentation in front of the Downtown BIcycle Station on Bike to Work Day 2013.


Bike Count Data

Thank you to our volunteers who helped us count cyclists and pedestrians at 103 locations throughout the St. Louis Metro region this past September. Collecting such extensive data can be a real challenge, and it would not have been possible without them. We have summited the data to the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project.

Despite the dangerously high temperatures, significant increases were observed at several locations.


How do I select a permanent bicycle parking rack?


Check out the Association of Bicycle and Pedestrian Professionals Bicycle Parking Guidelines here.