
Archive for the “Get Involved” Category

#GivingTuesday, #GivingTrailnet

GivingTuesdayBuckslip [wpch_thermometer id=”4746″ position=”right”] Thanks to all who stepped up to the challenge and donated to Trailnet on #GivingTuesday . Your generosity will help to support Trailnet’s continued work in promoting healthy, active and vibrant communities throughout the St. Louis region. We know that you had many choices of worthy community organizations in which to invest and we greatly appreciate that you chose Trailnet.

Happy Holidays from the Trailnet staff!

Ped-A-Palooza Silent Auction Item Preview


1fishGone Fishin’

Enjoy this unique creation, custom art print by a artist/fisherman from the Bahamas. Take a casting class and head to the water’s edge with your pole and new artistic fishing lures for a relaxing day of fishing.

Donated by: David Mitchell, artist, and Craig Stephens, T. Hargrove Fly Fishing


2brewerSmile for the Camera

Let Christine capture the perfect pose of your favorite animal companion. The purchaser is entitle to a one-hour photo session at your home or St. Louis area park and one 8×10 of your favorite doggie, horse, and/or human!

Donated by: Christine Brewer Photography



Taste of The Chase

Progressive dinner hosted by three Trailnet members, all residents of The Chase Park Plaza. Enjoy wonderful food and wonderful views overlooking the City and Forest Park. This is an unique opportunity to get a Taste of the Chase!

Donated by: Bradley Minton, Carol Weisman, and John Russell


4glass1All Fired Up

Use this lovely blown glass paperweight by Rachel McCalla as the inspiration to take a glass blowing class at Third Degree Glass Factory. Third degree is the St. Louis’ only open-access glass glassblowing studio.

Donated by: Rachel McCalla and Third Degree Glass Factory


5danceShall We Dance? Six dance lessons for two.

Take your energy and your partner to the dance floor. This certificate will motivate you to get up and dance whatever your skill level. The club has provided dance lessons for more than 20 years, offering classes for beginning, intermediate and advanced dancers.

Donated by: St. Louis Ballroom Dancers


6printDreamin’ On the Road

Stevie Morrison was featured in American Cyclist Magazine this summer, highlighting her bicycle themed artwork. Based in Lexington, KY, she is gaining acclaim for her work. This is a piece from her  2014 “Soaked in Sheep” series of linoleum cuts.

Donated by: Stevie Morrison, artist


7teesTees for Two

Bicycle-themed t-shirts are a great way to show your love for all things two-wheeled. You can never have too many. Plus, who can pass up on this vintage Trailnet cap?

Donated by: Kay Barnes



8coffeeCups o’ Caffeine

Start your day by brewing a fantastic cup of coffee using Mississippi Mud small batch roasted coffee. Sip your java in style with handmade mugs created by Timothy Smith, local pottery artist.

Donated by: Timothy Smith, TJS Pottery



Lifting-Weights2Something for Yourself – One personal training session

Get the personal attention you deserve for your fitness training.

Donated by: Pyscher Fitness Studio




10zilchsmPaint Me

Rob Zilch, St. Louis artist, will paint a custom portrait of your bike, your house, or you.

Donated by: Rob Zilch, artist




bird2A Walk in the Park – Guided bird walk in Tower Grove Park – May 2015

Enjoy nature and our feathered friends while visiting one of St. Louis’ treasured neighborhood parks.

Donated by: Claudia Spener


29_6I Like Bikes

Taliah Lempert of Brooklyn, NY was featured in American Cyclist this summer. Her work is completely focused on cycling.

Donated by: Taliah Lempert, artist, and Kay Barnes


14yogasmRelax and Enjoy

Bend, stretch, and reach for the stars.

Donated by: Big Bend Yoga Center



16bikephotoBike Abroad

This romantic photograph will make you want to book a cycling vacation in Europe.

Donated by: Lisa Suggs



02Just Java

A Trailnet favorite – coffee from Mississippi Mud, specialists in small batch roasting

Donated by: Mississippi Mud



19libertineSunday Dinner

Sunday Family dinner – what a wonderful way to start your week.

Donated by: The Libertine



20pilatesStrength and Relaxation

If you want to try Pilates, this is great way to get started.

Donated by: Pilates + Yoga Studio



about_theatreA Movie and A Pi

It’s the perfect date night – dinner and a movie.

Donated by: MX Movie Theater and Pi Pizzeria



cherokee8-286x300A Stroll Down Cherokee Street

Ride or walk down this destination St. Louis street and enjoy these gift certificates from a variety of businesses:



Donated by: various Cherokee Street businesses

23braceletSt. Louis on your Wrist

Local artist Tricia Coyle transforms images of local favorite places into wearable art.

Donated by: Pat Talley




GiveSTL Day is May 6th

Thanks to the Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation, Tuesday, May 6 will be the biggest giving day in St. Louis history . . . and with your help, Trailnet will benefit.

Donate to Trailnet during this 24 hour initiative and help raise critical funds so we can continue to . . .
* Improve quality of life and safety by making walking, biking, and taking public transit an easy choice
* Encourage healthy habits and increase economic vibrancy for generations to come
* Help put St. Louis on the list of most livable U.S. cities

Double your donation . . .
* During power hours (8:00 and 10:00 a.m., noon, 2:00, 5:00, and 8:00 p.m.) corporate sponsors will match gifts up to $500 on the first $10,000 raised
* Donate early in the hour for the best chance to double your gift

Prizes for YOU and Trailnet . . .
* Each hour donors will qualify for a drawing for Cardinals tickets
* Each hour we receive a donation, we qualify for a drawing for an additional $500

Share and show you care . . .
* Forward this eBlast
* Share Facebook posts and Tweets

Support Trailnet and the entire St. Louis region by making a gift on May 6 . . .
* Click below, after 12:00 midnight

giveSTLday donations go directly to Trailnet, funding our mission to lead in fostering healthy, active and vibrant communities where walking, bicycling and the use of public transit are a way of life. Your gift will be completely tax deductible and you will receive an acknowledgement directly after you give online.

Questions? Contact Kay Barnes.

Thank you for supporting Trailnet. We’ll share the results of the day soon.

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