
Archive for the “Walking” Category

Missourians Support Complete Streets


Ferguson, Clayton, and St. Louis City all have Complete Streets policies in place, and are working to improve accessibility as opportunities present themselves – without additional funding.

St. Louis County’s 2013 Strategic Plan calls for a Complete Streets ordinance to be adopted as one part of a multi-prong approach to enhance mobility and connectivity.

In 2010, MoDOT public opinion polling found that 53% of Missourians agree with the statement, “Up to 25% of each project’s funds should be spent to add bicycle/pedestrian facilities at the expense of other projects. The newly released 2013 survey from the National Association of Realtors shows support of the general public as well:

  • A neighborhood with a mix of houses, stores and businesses that are easy to walk to is preferred over a neighborhood with houses only that requires driving to stores and businesses (60 percent to 35 percent).
  • There is a wider divide among those who have moved in the last three years or are planning to move in the next three years. Recent movers prefer the walkable community by 20 points (58 to 38 percent), almost identical to the walkable community preference expressed by those who plan to move in the next three years (+18 points, 57 to 39 percent).
  • Privacy from neighbors remains at the top (86 percent important), along with sidewalks and places to take walks (80 percent important) and high quality public schools (74 percent important).
  • There is also a need for more safe routes for riding bikes to work and shopping. Almost half (48 percent) say there is too little safe bike routes, compared to 41 percent who say there is the right amount.

We will keep you informed on the progress of this important legislation. Thank you for your interest and support in making St. Louis a better place to live, work, and play.

Bike Count Data

Thank you to our volunteers who helped us count cyclists and pedestrians at 103 locations throughout the St. Louis Metro region this past September. Collecting such extensive data can be a real challenge, and it would not have been possible without them. We have summited the data to the National Bicycle and Pedestrian Documentation Project.

Despite the dangerously high temperatures, significant increases were observed at several locations.


How do I find a bike path or walking trail?

Check out the Great Rivers Greenway website for biking and walking trails in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, or St. Charles County.

You can also access Metro East Recreation District’s trail locator for the most comprehensive view of bike paths or walking trails on the Illinois side of the metro region.